Submit a #Shelfie!

Hello folks, a couple of days ago was the first day of summer. … That has nothing to do with the post but I thought I’d mention it. Well summer in our hemisphere anyway.

Do you have bookshelves/cases/book collections that you are immensely proud of? Would you like to share a picture of it with the whole wide world (instead of just your instagram followers)?

Well, if you do and you want to share, submit your favourite shelfie (of your own shelves, mind) to and at the end of the month we will share them here in a grand post. On the last Sunday of the month to be specific (so I can be hipster and call it #Shelfie Sunday).

Please limit your submissions to one picture accompanied by a paragraph about you, your favourite genre and how (if you do) arrange your shelf.

We look forward to seeing your shelves!

To spread the word on Twitter, please tag us (@thebookwars) and use the #shareyourshelfie hashtag!

Happy Summer-ing.

6 responses to “Submit a #Shelfie!

  1. Pingback: July! An Introduction! | The Book Wars·

  2. Oh man…you don’t want to see my bookshelves….I would lose all credibility as a librarian if the disastrous, chaotic state of my shelves was revealed to the world… ;)

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