YA Sci-Fi

This list will talk about books set in space or books that are thematically based on science. They’re books I have read and I’ll try to add notes along with the titles. – Nafiza


  1. Illuminae – Amie Kuafman and Jay Kristoff
    Deals with a rogue AI ship.
  2. The Scorpion Rules – Erin Bow
    A dystopia with an AI as the dictator. Interesting take on right versus wrong. Lots of crunchy things to think about.
  3. Singing the Dogstar Blues – Alison Goodman
    Alien life, alternative (or perhaps reimagined) Earth.
  4. Starbound trilogy by Megan Spooner and Amie Kaufman
    Space travel, post-colonial discourse, planet invasions, grand love stories. This trilogy has it all.